Friday, June 12, 2015

I want to replace the windows in my home made out of stone, is there anything I need to know?


I want to replace the windows in my home made out of stone, is there anything I need to know?


There are several things that you need to know about replacing windows in a stone exterior;

1. You are going to have to order windows that fit the exact opening of the stone not the hole in the inside of the window. You want to be able to install the window and then caulk around the outside to the existing stone work. If you don’t get the right size of windows then you will be in for a lot of work finding a way to fill in the gaps around the outside.

2. It’s really expensive and a lot of work to try and increase the size of a window from the original opening. Doing this requires stone masons and they are a lot more expensive then windows installers.

3. Make sure that the window manufacture knows that they are to be installed in a stone exterior. The window will come setup differently than if it was a new built home or even a wood sided home.

4. Have the supplier of the windows come out and measure the windows themselves, this is the best way to guarantee that they will fit.

5. It’s usually best of you don’t get a pre-installed jamb extension on the windows. Because the home has a stone exterior means that the window will usually require a deeper then normal jamb.

Most jamb extensions come as a standard depth, it’s better to install your own jamb that way it will have the best fit.

Depending on how rough the stone work is you could have difficulty installing the windows from the outside of the home as some stones might stick out more into the opening. Because of this it’s always better to let a professional install your windows when dealing with a stone exterior. A professional that has done this kind of job before will ensure that you end up with the best installation possible.

Rob Abbott
Village Builders Inc.

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