Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Steel Siding On Your Modern Custom Home

Steel Siding (want something different?)

If you planning to build a custom home and are looking for something different on the exterior as a finish and you aren’t very impressed with the normal vinyl or wood siding that is readily available then maybe you should think about putting steel on the outside of the home.

There are many different steel siding products on the market that you could pick from, some of them are better than others and some of them look just like their vinyl or wood competition. If you are building a custom home and you truly desire it to be custom and unique then you should try putting steel roofing on the walls of the home. That’s right the same steel that goes on the roof of your home can be placed on the walls as well.

There are many benefits to using steel roofing on the walls of your home;

It will never rot, twist or split.

New steel roofing is guaranteed to never rust for the lifetime that you own your home.

The colour on most steel roofing is warranted for up to 50 years, which means you should never need to repaint or replace it in your lifetime.

There is no food value in steel, which means that bugs won’t eat it or want to live in it. You should never have to worry about termites or carpenter ants.

Steel is so strong that it will withstand hurricane force winds. Flying debris in strong storms will not penetrate the material if struck at a high speed no matter what type of debris it is.

Wind and snow will not penetrate it. Most steel comes in large sheets so there are actually less joints to worry about, which means less chance of water penetration.

Steel is installed with colour screws with rubber washered heads. This gives a superior hold then nails and is also more weather resistant.

There are a wide variety of patterns, colours, textures and designs for steel siding. You should have no problem finding something that appeals to your taste.

If you are designing a custom home that is more modern then you should think about steel instead of something like stucco. This is especially true if you are planning to build in a colder climate, cold climates are especially hard on stucco exteriors and the maintenance of stucco can become expensive over time. The maintenance with steel is almost nonexistent.

Remember that building a custom home means that you can make your home look like whatever you want, try something new and impress everyone including yourself.

Rob Abbott
Village Builders Inc.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting blog. It would be great if you can provide more details about it.
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